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2019년 4월 2일 화요일

Admob Banner size

Admob Banner size
and the available sizes are the following:
Banner Size ConstantSize (WxH)DescriptionAvailability
BANNER320x50Standard BannerPhones and Tablets
LARGE_BANNER320x100Large BannerPhones and Tablets
MEDIUM_RECTANGLE300x250IAB Medium RectanglePhones and Tablets
FULL_BANNER468x60IAB Full-Size BannerTablets
LEADERBOARD728x90IAB LeaderboardTablets
SMART_BANNERScreen width x 32|50|90Smart BannerPhones and Tablets
This blue box is Banner Real Size
let's see your Mobile Screen

This is Best choice 

i2c_designware 808622C1:04: controller timed out

12월 17 15:55:28 VAST kernel: i2c_designware 808622C1:04: controller timed out root @VAST ~ # cat /sys/bus/acpi/devices/808622C1:01/status  ...